Finance & Marketing

Language / Taal: Afrikaans

Current Financial Situation

The SAVF Pretoria Social Work Services is a non-governmental and non-profit organisation. The services rendered to the communities are free of charge and no income is received in return. The government subsidise 50-55% on the operational budget, including salaries and administrative expenses. Currently, the Gauteng Provincial Office’s subsidy towards all NGO’s in the province, are the lowest in the country.

Considering the continuous increase in operational costs in Gauteng Province, the impact of the deficit is devastating on the office’s service delivery. To cover the shortfall of the office’s expenditures the organisation is dependent on donations, sponsors, bequests, approval of Lottery applications and fundraising events. Previously, this office relied heavily on the National Lotteries Distribution Fund to decrease the deficit, but with their current outlook of non-payment, the impact is detrimental. A portion of project funding was also disapproved by our provincial government.

Income-generating projects are in the community for the benefit and upliftment of the community and not the organisation as such. Due to the vast and dire social needs within the communities, more than one service provider is required and with the current legislation, the social work profession was classified as a scare skill profession with an enormous shortage of manpower. This also hinders the private sector contributions as there are many service providers having to approach the same private sector for possible funding.

Marketing / Fundraising

Considering the information reported above, the Pretoria Social Work Office decided to take a more active and definite stand with regard to fundraising in order to diminish our deficit on our working expenses.